This story starts out as a man who was among many in a neighborhood.
What was interesting all had no houses but all lived under the stars…
Strange I know,….. but follow along the thought process here, please.
Note, there are many still living like this…..
There is freedom in seeing the stars so close to heaven……
So one day, one of the guys looked at the trees,
which he had cut down so he could build a fire.
What do you do when you realize time is running out?
I woke up this morning singing a song that I listened to years ago.
Then again another day, I woke up to the same melody.
You think Holy Spirit is trying to get a point across here?
Time is running out!
I asked Him if it was a personal word or a word……
Read on……
The lyrics are sung over and over and over…….
What do we do?
You just have to look unto your King and ask and watch and receive……..
Yes, the One who has fire in His eyes!!
Talk to God, ask your Heavenly Father, to bring you in because you want help from where you are at….
How many of us drive to work or go to to the service the same way every day?
We are the creatures of habit, but we should not be with and in our God.
In one…..
Littlestone had camped out on His meeting hill. He...
Littlestone heard a Voice speaking of Psalm 2: Why...
Littlestone was quiet as he started to doze into a...
Littlestone could not remember such a great spring...
Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song with these words...
Hmm, who said this statement? Wondered some…....
Today my heart is sad. It the mark of forty years of...
How does our Heavenly Father see the word apprehend...
Galatians 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ;...