Little Person went riding again. He was drawn to the place where he was at the river the other day. The Words of God left in his heart were etched now….. He never would forget them….. They were molding him into the Words he heard.
On his way to the barn, he was watching all around him.
Life for most people seemed to be the same in each season. Football season was starting up again.
NFL football was starting and helping everyone think all is okay because this is our normal…..Will it help deaden the call of the noble to arise for such a time as this……?
The college football is alive and starting it’s rivalry all again. Deepen the call to forget all but know the scores for the watercooler. Someday the freedom to engage in this rivalry may come to a halt. Darker things will succumb if we do not rise and stop the dark….. By His light, it shall be…. Be His light before it is too late…. Do not regret the day when His call came your way.
Darker it is and tradition of seasons will not stop the dark getting darker….but will get the roots deep because those who are called have gone back to sleep….. Tradition calls as so does the pumpkin spice latte…… These will not stop the darkness…… Only light makes it flee….. His people are the key…..
Will all respond now and be Satan’s foe or friend we are if we sit and do not heed His call.
Satan is elated that the traditions of season dullen the need to arise now….. Others are surely in need.
Starbucks had their pumpkin spice latte out again for the hundredth time as the line circled around. Will they wait that long to hear and understand His dream He sent that night before?
All distractions were in full swing, but Little Person felt in his spirit, there were big changes coming.
He was not afraid, but on alert. He was praying in tongues often.
Holy Spirit knows what to pray through him as he did not know what to pray for or against in this sense he was receiving.
He wanted to ride to hear and know what his Father was speaking to him at this time.
He had checked in with the Director and all things were at status quo with the crew. His King’s new redeemed ones were working through the obedience of forgiving those who trespassed against them as they were also forgiven.
Each day they were learning how to keep the forgiveness alive and real in their hearts in the sessions with counselors.
Little Person knowing all things were okay with them, he had time to bend his ear to his God and listen.
He on Aaliyah galloped to the hills. He saw the deer scamper off from their rapid approach. The air was crisp with change. Little Person’s heart was pumping loudly as was Aaliyah’s.
He got to the hill and hopped off her. He brought her to the river for a drink and cool off. He sat down.
The wind was blowing loudly through the leaves of the trees. The leaves of His trees were bringing healing. Did not the people see?
He noticed the deer came back to the sweet grass keeping an eye her intruders.
She was eating quickly as if she knew the winter was fast approaching… She wanted to partake of the green grass before it was brown with frost on the hill.
He wondered what the wind was saying, and asked if he could hear…….
A house divided will not stand. A house divided will not stand. This Little Person heard through the wind.
A voice was singing the wind, a house divided will not stand.
Who is up and standing to hear His call? Come to Me singing through the wind….. Do you not hear Him?
His gentle voice through the wind is calling His own to Him.
He saw the deer was heeding to the change, but why does not man? Tradition steals His move again. He moves on and tradition will not allow Him to be known by His Spirit again….. Tradition holds it guards at it’s door….. Keep them steeped in me and not allow them to move through the adventure in I AM’s fulfillment of His purpose.
He talked to his Father.
I am here. I am listening. I am watching.
He was waiting. In his mind, he was going over what he had been shown in the past couple of days.
He was also asking on the next session with the crew from Holy Spirit.
He had his notebook open and was jotting down the scriptures he was to bring to revelation the next night at His place.
After he was taught the place where Holy Spirit wanted to land on in scriptures, he was okay to move on to what was drawing him up here today.
Do you see, my little friend, those who spoke for I AM lived what they were speaking? Israel was going into captivity, so My spokesman was in captivity…….
They are a sign as I AM sends signs and wonders in and through My children just as you are also.
The testimony of Jesus Christ is a sign through you and all My children….. He is alive in His own.
Moses lived in the wilderness for forty years so he also may lead My children through the wilderness for forty years.
He never entered into the promised land, neither did the generation that he led enter into the promised land.
But the next generation did through Joshua….. As Jesus Christ, My Son, leads My children into the Promise…. Our Spirit reigns through My children leading them into abiding in My Son. My Promise is here and can be fulfilled, if a heart turns to believe and leaves all.
Do you see, child?
I think so, Sir, said Little Person. His hands were shaking from the wind’s strength.
Jeremiah warned them on the upcoming captivity for My people because of disobedience to My Word.
He also was in captivity as a sign.
Ezekiel was held captive by I AM as a sign to what would come before My people…..
I AM was held back by their unbelief……
My people worshiped I AM as well as many other gods…
They crushed My heart…… What was …… is again, My child.
I AM still revealed to My son the instructions on to build My temple.
Here prophecy is fulfilled by My Son who built My temple in three days.
Destruction may come, but hope in I AM causes the sun to rise to show My promise.
My Son is I AM’s Promise.
My Promise of I AM’s Spirit dwelling in My people, covering the earth as the waters cover the sea.
My glory is Mine.
My ones live what I AM is. I AM is held captive from unbelief.
But in My chosen hearts, I AM soars with the eyes of an eagle.
Their flight will not be hindered or stopped.
They are My living Testimony regarding My Son. They locked My son, Paul, and My Spirit spoke through him. I AM did not stop even when he was in chains…. My Spirit soars high as an eagle through a heart that is for Me.
In Him, they will live and speak eternally.
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell, (Matthew 10:27-28).
Child, do you see this?
Yes, Sir….. I never really saw the play of Your spokesman in the scriptures that way.
Now, My child, what was, is now……Know My will has and will always prevail.
My fulfilling Words are being met with their prophecy….. My Son is I AM that I AM.
Do not turn to the left or the right, but keep your eyes aligned on Him.
What was is now. But know I AM that I AM.
The dregs of the wine have filled their sacks.
The wine of Mine is sweet to My taste.
As I AM delights in the burning of the fat, and adds the salt into every sacrifice to be a sweet-smelling fragrance unto My nostrils…….
So is the obedience of the ones who have been given eyes to see and ears to hear.
Their lives are a living sacrifice unto Me.
They do not have a bit in their mouth for them to turn to the right or turn to the left.
They lift their eyes to sound of My voice.
They turn to see the Lion of the tribe of Judah and behold My Lamb.
They see I AM.
The more they see the more they know I AM.
The more they behold the I AM revealed, the more I AM reveals.
I AM dwells within them.
They are Mine.
They are My temple.
They are My abode.
They are the ones not made by human hands but I AM alone is their glory and hope.
I AM has made My dwelling within them……
For they delight in doing My commandments…..
The increase of I AM is complete, but until the next breath, more of I AM will inhabit.
The praise and love of My own draws Me to overflow in them as in the banks of the Jordan.
There is no stopping My flow of the Living Water bubbling within My temple, My own people.
I AM that I AM and the gates of hell will not prevail.
Prevail, no, but try, yes.
My Words are fulfilled.
Not one of My Words has not a match made by prophecy, My Son.
Death could not stop My Word to be fulfilled. My purpose is I AM that I AM.
Nothing shall stop My Word, but unbelief of whom I AM has called……
Awaken them to Me again just as the sun rises and storm clears.
Pray they seek I AM an My Promise today.
Know I AM but by My Spirit says the Lord.
Why send I AM’s Spirit away, if this is My way?
My Spirit is hovering over their chaos.
Chaos has been welcomed in by their door not maintained.
I AM knocks on their door, but chaos in their hearts, deafens the sound of My footsteps.
Shall chaos send more storms for what is meant for evil I AM turns to good?
Shall they behold I AM?
If many came from the dead to knock on their door for warning, they still would not awaken to I AM’s knock.
Is the dead still leading the dead. Yet they have a name they are alive.
Ask for the Lord of the harvest to send His workers among the harvest.
The need of fulfillment of every child in My purpose completes the building of My Spirit. I AM is the head and My body is the temple of I AM.
My Bethany home is where you sit to hear I AM speak.
They shall hear and I AM is glorified by their hearts.
Know this truth…..
I AM draws near to those who draw near to Him from a pure heart.
I AM stills desires these hearts.
Yes, Sir, replied Little Person.
He started to make his own shorthand. He wrote as fast as he could to keep up with His Words of life.
It was quiet for a while. Little Person shook his right hand to get the blood flowing again.
His hand ached from the cold.
He noticed the doe had friends. There was a dozen or so deer eating grass with Aaliyah.
It was a beautiful sight to behold. So much peace, though the wind was blowing hard.
Little Person took it as a sign: His people to keep His peace by His grace as the cold wind was starting to blow harder as the days got shorter.
He was reading over the Words spoken. He wrote out was his shorthand, so he could understand later.
He heard, Child, thank you for coming to Me here. Thank you.
Little Person could not say, your welcome….. That comment sounded disrespectful to the Great I AM. He thought quickly, what to say……..hmmmmmm.
Then through his heart, he spoke:
You are worthy of all of me, Father.
Thank You, Father, for giving me the breath to breathe and to hear You today.
I had to come here and be with You, even if I did not hear any word. I had to be with You today, Sir.
You mean more to me than anything, Lord.
I AM knows your heart, Little Person.
Ride home now, for a storm is approaching quickly.
Thank You for holding it back until I reach my car, Sir.
You are safe.
He saw the deer had disappeared in to the brush for cover as the dark cloud was quickly approaching.
He mounted Aaliyah and off they galloped back to the barn.
He just got into his car as he left Aaliyah munching on her hay.
He heard a big KABOOM as thunders and lightnings was a happening.
He drove on thanking I AM for holding back the storm until he got in his car.
He thought as he drove…… Abiding in Jesus Christ by His Spirit helps me avoid any storm.
The storms will come, those who build their house on the rock, will still be standing.
The Rock, our great God……His foundations are sure and pure, a heart must put their trust.
He turned up his favorite song. He was joining in on the tune of praising the Most High God… When it is great and when it is not….. He deserves the right to be first in all our sight and our voice rings out -Praise and thanksgiving to the Holy, Holy, Holy Almighty God who was and is and is to come….
More to Come- God is willing!!!
Tune out the distractions and tune in Him alone…. See what He will do!
Just be with Him.
Sit down to rest. Seek His face.
Turn the soft music down so you may hear His tone.
The cares and concerns of the day are now drowned.
His presence is the fragrance of your sound.
He is bound for all of you now.
The veil is moved and you now enter in.
The smell is different than you ever known before…..
Enter in to His place to know His face.
He calls you by your name.
You turn to see His voice……not only once but again and again.
Come to know this is your place.
Write what He speaks…. If nothing you hear.
Write what you are shown…… This is how you also are known.
Keep meeting with Him in the fellowship of His Son.
This is a gift. Open it…
He tore the veil, but now you tear the veil of unbelief.
If you do not partake, how much you will regret this day.
Venture in to His smile today and another day and again.
Turn off tradition and tune in Him…. Be His light again and again.
Know how much you are loved….. Know Him!