
The Holy Spirit Shows Us That The Calendar Is Enoch’s Day! – Part II

In Genesis 5:24  “And Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him.”

I had a dream awhile ago in that I saw a white cloth calendar.  It was very large. The numbers were listed in a regular fashion on it, except one. This one date was highlighted with bright yellow. I walked closer to the calendar. Curiosity brought me to see why that day was highlighted. It was blinking in neon yellow with rays shining around what was written….The day was marked ENOCH’S DAY. 

Enoch’s root word meaning in Hebrew is to initiate or discipline, train up or consecration.

So we can conclude that walking and talking with God, we will be disciplined and trained up into the mature or complete reborn creation that He always intended us to be before the foundation of the world!

There is an old song that says: He walks with me and He talks with me and tells me I am His own and the joy we share as we tarry there none has ever known.  Remember God came down in the cool of the day to walk and talk with Adam before Satan played his hand against Adam.  Mankind lost out on the fellowship from then on. Until Pentecost, now the opportunity for walk and talk with God is here before us.

The Holy Spirit is longing to spend time and share the secrets of the Jesus’ heart with us.  I know after that dream, I was determined in His grace, to follow the instructions of my dream and to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

As I “walked,” I prayed, studied the word and devoted my time to be available to God. I started to understand the cross along with the discipline that He desired from me. I could no longer be allowed to indulge my flesh or carnality. I was to crucify it, cut it off from its supply.  I was to live on the Word of God as my food, my first priority, even if it cost.  I became sold out to His cause; I was here to glorify Him…. I could not say no to His gentle “shove” and the undaunting love that He shed His all to catch me.

I, the defiant rebellious one, started to fall away. As we “walk” in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the chaff of the old creation starts to burn up- it falls away because He takes us with Him…. The One True Living God shall be the One known from our lives….Jesus Christ is the King of all kings. He is glorified by our lives living out His will and we get to live in His glory…. Christ in us the hope of glory!

The Incorruptible Seed planted in us is growing or maturing the reborn creation from God’s handiwork in and through us. Ephesians 2:10, For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. That Incorruptible Seed within us is growing into a branch of the Tree of Life that produces much fruit, just as the body of Christ is being built into the Holy Temple in the Lord, a dwelling place of God in the Spirit….Ephesians 2:22.  I cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit, or the fruit of the Tree of Life, only the Holy Spirit within me can produce those godly traits and gifts through me.  Christ in us is our only hope of glory!

Let this year of 2013 be the year of Enoch! We walk with God and are not! What remains is the maturing reborn creation that He had planned for us in Him. A little chip or a little stone (witness) off the Big Rock!

Remember the only hope of glory we have is Christ in us. This mystery has now been revealed to us in Colossians 1:26. Today the Word of God says- we are given an opportunity to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you and I may be filled with fullness of God. We walked with God and were not!!!!!

The Holy Spirit is saying there is an abundant of grace for this call….. Let’s go for it! Let us be the ones who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to receive and understand the words of our Lord and King TODAY!

Seize the day!!! Amen and Amen! His Love Never Fails!

PS. A word of encouragement: be prepared to get some endurance shoes on your feet- the terrain at times is high and rough! No loafers or flip flops will make it through!  His love never fails; this walk with Him will help ensure our love for our God never fails!!!


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